Sociology Stories

Major Moment: SofÃa DÃaz ‘26
"Choosing a major does not limit you, rather it gives you skills that you can apply across many fields—so choose what excites and motivates you to learn more!"

Mawr Insight: An International Student's Journey to Bryn Mawr
"Bryn Mawr has allowed me to find not just one meaning of community but many different ones."

360°: Feminisms in Latin America
As part of a genealogy of feminisms within the Global South, feminisms in Latin America have critically engaged with mainstream euro-centric feminist debates but also contributed theoretical, political, epistemological, and socio-cultural approaches and tools to identify, examine, interrogate, contest, and dismantle structural oppressions.

The "Goodbye and Hello:" Bruce Fort P'23
"Bryn Mawr ticked off all of these boxes in quick succession—but in the end, I believe a certain amount of alchemy brought Evie and Bryn Mawr together."

360°: Pathways to Policy
This cluster focuses on how policies in particular domains -- environment, economy, health, and education -- are developed and implemented in different national contexts.

360°: Decolonizing Knowledges
This cluster uses the lenses of physics, sociology, and literary studies to critically and comparatively examine the ways we imagine and reimagine the worlds in which we live, from the cosmos to social structures and from cultural to personal experiences.

360°: Children's Books
Through the College’s Ellery Yale Wood Collection of children’s and young adult books, students will investigate childhood, explore literature, and creatively engage in the process of writing children’s literature.

360°: Migrations
This 360° uses the lenses of cultural studies, history, and sociology to critically and comparatively examine migration in different national contexts and historical moments.