Campus Partnership for Equity and Anti-Racism
The Campus Partnership for Equity and Anti-Racism (CPEAR) is a central place to (1) review progress on high-priority actions, (2) offer problem-solving support and feedback to this work, and (3) create an additional channel of communication and transparency to the broader campus about these efforts.
CPEAR will support and amplify (not replace) the critical equity and anti-racism work of existing and future committees, groups, associations, clubs, departments and programs.
Charge to CPEAR
CPEAR will provide a diversity of perspectives to help guide and accelerate the progress of the administration, staff, students, and faculty as they implement equity and anti-racism actions and initiatives at the College and will provide a regular forum for assessing their impact.
CPEAR will:
- Serve as a forum for building understanding and commitment among all members of the campus community as we work together toward equity and anti-racist action.
- Share real-time feedback and varied perspectives on the implementation and planning of equity and anti-racist actions at the College.
- Be a potential resource for staff, faculty, administrators, and students (or groups of these campus members) when problems, obstacles or opportunities arise in implementation.
- Review progress on initiatives and assessment data, and provide feedback about areas for improvement or adjustment as a mechanism for supporting accountability.
- Provide additional transparency for this work by serving as a communication link among students, faculty, staff, the administration, and the Board about the efforts underway to strengthen equity and anti-racism.
In order for the College to make meaningful progress in its efforts, it is essential for all who are a part of BMC to remember that all campus offices and departments, campus organizations, and campus leaders across constituency groups are responsible for taking action to support equity and anti-racism.
Members of CPEAR (with the exception of administration and Trustees) will be paid $250 per semester for their contributions to this work. Payment will be made at the end of the Fall semester and at the end of the Spring/Summer term.

Related Contacts
The Impact Center for Community, Equity, and Understanding
Campus Partnership for Equity and Anti-Racism
Co-Conveners: Dee Matthews (Creative Writing) and Ann-Therese Ort铆z (The Impact Center)